AWD #106: Naomi Tamsin Tribunal
Naomi Tamsin Tribunal
Summary: A military tribunal for a civilian skinjob. Is Naomi a threat to the Colonies? The decision is made here.
Date: 22/04/2013
Related Logs: Cooper Knox Tribunal
Naomi Samtara Rhonwen Jason Vadim Knox Electra 
Picon, ANVIL Hangar Bay
The hangar. Two dozen lines of chairs have been set up for people to listen with Raptors parked between the hangar opening and the seats as armor protection.
AWD #106

Naomi is in her orange jumpsuit, permitted an elastic that has looped her hair into a ponytail. Her face is pale, and at first she blinks a little bit, like she's unused to the level of illumination in the courtroom. It's very obvious that she is both terrified and trying to put her game face forward, and when prompted to begin, she summons up a smile and a lifted chin as she begins her address.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Dr. Noami Tamsin. I am what you have come to know as a skinjob. You haven't known me for very long, not as long as you've known Cooper Knox or Ceres Garrido, so it's a lot harder for me to prove both my merit and value to you, as well as prove to you that I'm not a threat. I also want to point out that I've made choices, and those choices led me here today, and you need to understand why I made those choices. So I'm going to try to do that."

"I was placed at the University of Ketos with the mission of observing the civilian population and its reaction and responses to the Cylon assault on War Day. I was an assistant professor of biology. I taught classes. I read papers. I gave lectures. I had colleagues and friends and students who looked up to me. I had a cottage that I lived in with a garden in the back, and when my neighbors would go on vacation, I would take care of their cat. I love the study of living things; the beauty of nature's design that is so elegant and exquisite that there can be no doubt of the intelligence that creared it.

When the Cylon assault began, the campus shut down and effectively turned itself into a fortress. Through the community effort of faculty, students, and employees, we were able to stave off the centurions for nearly a month. I say we, because I made the choice to provide aid along with everyone else. I helped cook and clean, I bandaged wounds, I picked up a gun and shot at centurions. I assisted in making supply runs. I comforted the frightened and held the hands of the wounded. At first it was meant to be part of the cover that helped with my intended purpose. But I had come to love my students. My neighbors. My friends. I saw how everyone pulled together in those weeks; the sacrifices they made not just for their loved ones, but for strangers. Fellow humans. And I loved them. I wanted to one of them. I made the decision than to support humanity, with all its flaws, and all its love, because this was a compassion I hadn't experienced amongst my kind, not really. I chose - of my own free will, without being a sleeper agent who was unaware of her origins - to cast my lot with humanity. The timing of it was poor, though, because they overran us finally, and herded the last of us into one of the auditoriums, where they proceeded to mass execute everyone who was left. I was amongst those who died. I don't know why the centurions didn't recognize me. There might have been too many faces in the crowd. Maybe part of me didn't want them to. Maybe they knew I was there but assumed I'd resurrect anyway."

"Dying is still painful, even when you download and resurrect. To be honest, I believed that as soon as my thoughts and feelings were reviewed, they would learn how I felt and what I wanted to do, and I would be boxed. But there was some kind of slow down and I was able to complete resurrection. It didn't matter though; I was found out, captured, and scheduled to be boxed. That's how I came to be in the prison on Picon. When Ceres Garrido made her way into my cell, I thought she was just another Nine, my executioner. But she asked me why I was there, and she offered me the chance to escape. She showed me that she loved me, and that she was different like me, and I did as she asked, and I'd do it again.

Upon arrival on Orion I immediately reported to Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Petra. I requested political asylum, which was not granted. I was put on watch, and ordered to aid in developing the Cylon detection technology project that is presently being spearheaded by Captain Dr. Samtara Nadir. I complied; readily and willingly. My only frustration in this is that I may not have the chance to help her complete this project. If I have no other worth, no other merit as a person, I do believe this: developing this important piece of technology will be exponentially slowed without my assistance. I hope that the few days I had were enough to at least put Dr. Nadir in the right direction."

"I didn't understand when I was taken into custody, why it was happening. I had complied with all requests and directives that were issued to me. If you think my kind can't be frightened, we don't feel - you're wrong. Because I was frightened then, and I'm frightened now. If I am executed, than you may dismissively think it means little, that I'll simply download and go on with my life. But I won't. They know that I have cast my lot with humanity. I will be boxed. Sooner or later. And I'm frightened. But I stand by the decisions I made - the decision I made, that led me to stand here, with hope that you will look at me and see a person, a person who wants stand with humanity. A person who wants to be both an individual and part of a community, instead of just another face in the collective." She wets her lips at last, her expression stark, as she lets out a slow exhale. "Thank you for your time."

Dressed in her dress uniform Rhonwen sits with the others on the tribunal. Her long grey and black hair has been pulled back into an intricate braid. Her eyes are hard to read and there is neutral but pleasant expression on her face. Her pale green eyes rest on Naomi and she studies her as she speaks. Weighing what is said and watching for nuances. When Naomi finishes speaking she is quiet for a long time. Finally she speaks. Her tone is as neutral as her expression. "Thank you, Doctor Tamsin. We have a few questions for you. Could you clarify for the tribunal the term boxed?"

Seated among the judges, Jason is listening carefully, with a notebook and a pen ready. Taking notes as he listens, he glances momentarily over at the other Judges. Looking about to say something, he pauses as he hears Rhonwen's question, nodding to it, and turning his full attention back to Naomi.

Vadim does not really want to be here, sitting up on this table, dressed in his blues, one hand rapping the end of a pen on a table while the other clutches a burning cigarette between two fingers. But he was selected, so here he is, sniffing quietly, while listening to the speech given by Naomi. So far, he has no questions to ask for the time being. Silently, he's just watching the accused.

"The simplest definition of being boxed," says Naomi, trying not to appear bleak, "Is cold storage. It's our equivalent of death. Your body is put into a form of stasis - but your mind, it's - " she pauses a moment, like she's trying to get ahold of herself. "I've tried to explain it to others. You have no sensation. You feel nothing. There is no sight, no sound, no smells, you are completely cut off from any form of sensory process. You have no memory. You exist in a moment that lasts forever, not knowing who you are, and not knowing if it will ever end. It may not be death, but it is a kind of hell."

Taking a few notes at this point, Jason's expression is just as neutral as he hears the description of being boxed. Nodding a little after the answer is given, he speaks. "Dr. Tamsin. You said that at first your actions during the events at the University of Ketos at first was part of your cover as an agent, but then it changed. Was there anything in particular that was the reason for said change?"

Tap tap tap goes the pen in Vadim's hand. He listens in quiet contemplation for the time being. But he has nothing to add at the time being. So it's just better to listen, take the occasional note and watch.

Rhonwen is just as quiet as she listens. Picking up the PDA on the table that sits before her she makes a few notations. Her fingers move quickly across the smooth surface. Her gaze moves back to Naomi as she continues to listen study and weigh every word the woman says.

For a moment, Naomi looks puzzled. Didn't she already explain that bit? But gamely, she tries again. "Any specific incident, no. It was more a gradual thing. Being part of humanity, even duplicitously, made me want to be part of humanity in actuality. It was the Misses Esses and their calico. It was Ethan Agamemnon and his paper on the function of mitochondria in DNA. And after the attack, it became Megan Madison, ripping up bedsheets to make bandages, and Lyza and Andrew Behr, who were next to me and holding each other when the centurions began to fire on us. All of those people made me change."

"Dr. Tamsin." the Captain stats, pulling a drag from his cigarette, keeping his eyes on the woman. "How do you know there are no other hidden programming in your head that'll activate at a certain point that you're not aware of? That your desire to join humanity wasn't just apart of that programming?" he asks in a line of questions. For now, it seems to be the only questions he's asking.

"To add to the question that Captain Ioselovich just asked I am going ask a few of my own." Rhonwen pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts. "How did you first appear into human society, what were your first reactions to working with the humans? How long were you with them before the war started? Why did you not saying anything before hand to try and save as many as you could? Or are you saying that you had not made up your mind until after the war had started? Why were they imprisoning many of the humans when before they were practicing the art of genocide? Why did they put you with them instead of killing you outright?" Rhonwen asks and her voice remains as neutral as her expression.

"I don't." Naomi says frankly. "But here is what I can tell you I know: that both Ceres Garrido and Cooper Knox were engaged with Cylon forces on numerous occasions, and never once turned on their fellows. That at any point during the campus stand-off, if that were a viable possibility, the collective could have activated me at any time, and didn't. That if they could so readily 're-write' my programming, 're-educate' me, there would be no need to box me, as they intended to in the first place. Asking me if I'm a threat can only be answered by saying that I am only as much of a threat as any human is. It is about my choices, and humanity is what I chose." And then Rhonwen is asking her questions, and she takes a breath to answer them.

Jason nods a bit as he listens now. Taking a few notes in the process, rather quietly. Studying Naomi carefully for the moment as well.

"I appeared some years prior to the attack. And the humans I was around - I think they just thought I was quirky and undersocialized, which is common in academia." She blinks at the rest of the questions. "I didn't say anything because at the start, I believed in what I was doing. I believed in the nature of the Collective and its purpose. You are told that humanity is obsolete and cruel, that they are parents who abandoned their children. But it's in my nature to explore, to seek out newness, not to be hidebound by what is known. It took time. I'm sorry. Sometimes - sometimes it's the wake of suffering that makes you see truth. I'm so sorry." Her brow furrows, her hands beginning to tremble.

Vadim takes another drag from his cigarette. He's silent, listening to Naomi answer each and every question. "If there's no more questions.." he looks at his other two judges, then looking back at Naomi. "Then we'll call in the first to testify on the accused behalf."

"No further questions from me," Jason replies as he finishes taking the notes. Still keeping his attention on Naomi at the moment.

"I have no further questions as well. Then as my fellow judge has requested we shall call upon the first to testify on behalf of Doctor Tamsin." Rhonwen says and her words are laced with her Libran accent. She grows quiet again and waits for the first to approach them. Her eyes flicker towards Naomi as she watches her reactions as they wait for the first to approach.

Dr. Samtara Nadir, who is sitting beside Naomi, stands. She steps toward the table, takes a slow breath, squares her shoulders, and focuses on the panel while she speaks. "The question that is presented today before this Tirbunal is not whether or not Naomi Tamsin, the model Eleven seated here today, is a threat to humanity as a whole. The question is not whether or not Tamsin has sufficient tensile strength, actual tactical knowledge and training or the ability to pose a real and viable threat to humanity, the remains of the colonial fleet, and more personally the men and women in this room. The question, at its core, is whether or not this specific Eleven is guilty of crimes - including but not limited to - murder, conspiracy to commit murder, sabotage, terrorism, and the whole list of actions swept under the brim of crimes against humanity.

"As a surgeon, as a scientist, I can tell you that the act of attempting to dis-prove data, to prove that something is Not is as exacting, and often more time consuming, than the effort required to prove that something Is. So, allow me to begin by telling you what Naomi is. She is, and again this is not a point of dispute, a Cylon, a skinned Cylon model, whose primary function is discovery. When something new, be it emotion or otherwise, is discovered, the model Elevens are sent to learn about it, to experience it. In short, the Elevens are the intrepid explorers who do everything possible to learn and experience all that we learn, all that we experience, the good and the bad - and everything else in between.

"Thats what the Elevens do. But Naomi is not a ambassador for her line, she is not the representation of her entire line. She is not the creator of her line or the embodiment of every single action that her line has ever taken. She is, as we all are, a single entity. She is a person, a real person, not a puppet, not a toy, not a thing, not a cog. We humans have a saying, do we not? The sins of the father. The question then is whether or not we as a people are going to judge Naomi as a person based on the actions of her people, of her creators, or those who make decisions and awaken this specific model/unit and cast her into the Field with specific instructions.

"Now, i cant prove to you that Naomi has never done anything bad, ever done anything mean, ever killed anything. Why? Because we humans kill things, and each other, every day. Im a doctor, and Ive signed enough death certificates, so Im a expert in this field. Death, and life, we humans move in a world - in a life - full of these two things. Death. And Life. Now, Ive killed. Thats right, I have. So have you. Every time you order a steak, a chicken wing, a fish fillet, every time you put food on your plate - something, somewhere, has died. I kill spiders. Its irrational, but I hate them. You know the ones with the hinged legs that bounce like theyre spring loaded? I hate them. But .. thats small murder, right? And, dinner? well, we need to eat, and so what if the most efficient delivery method of necessary protein, iron, etc. comes from meat? Survival of the fittest, correct? No one likes MREs all that much, either, so we do what comes naturally.

"Now, I asked Naomi what made her decide to rebel, to leave the collective, to cast her lot with us - with us humans. And she told me it was for love of humanity. now, were not a particularly lovable species, not.. by and large. Were mean, narrow minded, petty, cruel, judgmental, prejudiced, easily angered, and so on and so forth. Thats not even hitting the top ten characteristics of humans. Thats just a rough overview. But were also kind, courteous, patient, loving, noble, honorable, funny, silly, intuitive, artistic, inspired, and beautiful. A baby will instinctively curl a hand around a finger offered to grasp. Instinctively reaching for human contact, instinctively reaching out. Id like to think that this is what Naomi loves about humanity, not the petty angry mean narrow minded quick to judge slow to forgive side that presents itself just as often.

"I can tell you that Naomis help when it comes to the research that will help discern human from cylon is going to prove invaluable. I can tell you that her insight into the human condition is going to be priceless. I can tell you that she has the kind of mind that is rare, that is remarkable, that is.. beyond compare. those are facets, not the whole of the person sitting before you today. She is real. And once she became real, she couldnt go back. And, because she IS real, she fears being boxed the way we fear a slow death trapped in a dying body from which there is no escape. Fear. She also fears us. And we.. fear her. Does that make her a monster, or does it make us the monsters? I stand for her, as a fellow scientist, not out of pity or out of scientific agenda, but out of compassion. She is as much a threat to humanity as I am, the only difference is that shes stronger and younger. She didnt pick where and how she was born, or to whom, neither did any of the rest of us."

With her remarks, her defense made, Nadir nods rather politely to the tribunal members, she seats herself alongside Naomi again, hands resting on the table in front of her once more. Apparently prepared to field any questions.

"You please state before the court your Rank and education?" Rhonwen asks Samtara. "We of the tribunal will be asking you a number of questions." She pauses for a moment as she looks between Samatra and Naomi. Her expression is still neutral. "What is the nature of your research that you are working on with Doctor Tamsin? What is her vital role in that research? What were your first reactions to her and if they were negative how and what changed them?"

Since Rhonwen had decided to go ahead and ask most of the relevant questions that'd need to be asked, she is a JAG anyways, that's sorta her job to be a lawyer, Vadim is content to smoke, and watch this new line of questioning.

"Captain Nadir, chief medical officer of the Orion and nominally in charge of the well being - health wise - of those non combatants in our care. I attended university on Picon," something that may not be commonly known, "my parents were research fellows at Picon Laboratories. I am a surgeon. A scientist and general medical doctor at present. The research that I am conducting- in brief- is to determine the specific protocol by which a single test may be performed to determine if a patient, A person is human or cylon." Nadir pauses before saying, "I can't give specific details at this time. chiefly becsuse there are six models unaccounted for - in theory- and i will not jeopardize my research by tipping my hand, so to speak. But her insight is key. As to yhe latter questions? I was at first wary. I don't believe in coincides, and her arrival was both timely and ideal. However. I have observed her fear, her hope. I believe she is genuine. If i am wrong, I also reason that I may be the first person to stand in her way. I'm willing to take that risk. The cost to benefit ratio is acceptable."

Jason watches Samtara rather carefully for the moment, nodding a little as he hears Rhonwen's questions. Seems that those were the ones he was wanting to ask as well.

Rhonwen nods and looks to the others who are sitting on the tribunal with her. Her finger move across the glassy surface of her PDA as she waits. Another quick glance is given to Naomi.

Naomi remains quiet in her seat, watching Samtara. She doesn't really have a good poker face, and she looks nakedly grateful. The fear is just under the skin, though.

Vadim nods and continues to smoke. "Are there any further questions for this witness in the defense of the accused?" he looks over to the other pair of judges. "If not, we will move on to the next witness."

Pausing in his note taking as he hears something, Jason glances to the other judges for a few moments. "A quick question, Captain Nadir. As a scientist, you primarily put your faith in what you can scientifically prove, isn't that correct?"

"I'm a surgeon first, then scientist, let me make that distinction first. I believe in what I can see, feel. measure, analyze, etc. And every surgeon will tell you that every body is unique, the measurable similarities are there, but each surgery is unique . As a scientist i will tell you that if something cant be expressed in numbers, its theory, not fact. that being said, life can not be pared down to just base pair numerical forms. Are you asking me to prove that Naomi is not a threat, or prove that she is genuine? "

"We are asking you to prove to us that she is not a threat to humanity." Rhonwen says simply in response to Samtara. "I ask that we retain the right to call forth Doctor Nadir for further questions. At this moment I have no further questions for the Doctor Nadir." She looks at the other two judge to let them weigh in on this.

Nodding a bit as he hears the answer, Jason takes a few quick notes. "Thank you, Captain Nadir. No further questions from me."

"If there's nothing further," Vadim states, putting out his smoke in his nearby ashtray, "then call the next witness."

Knox slowly rises and steps forward in his dress uniform, right down to the saber. "As of last night, I am once again Sergeant Cooper Knox of the Colonial Marines Corps. Given these tribunals are independent of each other, I imagine that trial's outcome has little bearing on the one you're currently deciding." He clears his throat. "I'll keep this brief. I wanted to speak here as someone who has been in her position, but has also had the benefit of time, trust, and camaraderie. Sirs, I've felt what she went through. Its something that I believe that she believes she has been through, regardless of what people may construe as 'hidden programming'. In my experience and with my understanding of the psychology of my people, that's enough." He lets off a long breath, eyes moving across all of them. "Take my opinion for what it is, sirs. But she is here and she declared her application for amnesty almost immediately upon rescue. She didn't hide who she was, or 'what' as the case may be. It didn't take coaxing from me. She simply stepped up and identified herself to myself and Lieutenant Colonel Petra. If she were a threat, it would have done her well to just blend into the crowd - which she could have done easily. Instead she stepped up and has volunteered, as far as I can tell, honesty at every turn. You have and probably will hear more testimony about her being helpful." Cooper glances to Naomi then back. "Sirs, I've barely come to know this being. It sounds like other people already know her better than I. All I can ask of you is to consider this scenario:" He folds his hands behind him and looks at the judges in the eyes as he speaks. "If you were in her position, and you were being truthful, wouldn't you be scared out of your mind and begging anyone who would listen just for a chance? If you'd barely been with the fleet and been nothing but helpful, but hadn't had the benefit of time to prove your worth but only start, how much terror would be in your hearts? If you deny her and send her back to the Cylons, no matter what happens, Naomi will be boxed. This is a fate worse than execution. Its one we fear more than is adequately explainable. What I ask of you is to consider whether or not you can condemn a very-likely innocent being out of fear. Can you all settle that with yourselves? The justice system demands that we hold ourselves to proof and evidence of a crime before we condemn the accused. Can you fairly ask for proof of innocence when only guilt will prove otherwise? Please, I ask you a tribunal can always revoke a citizenship of one of my people after it has been granted. But you cannot undo the damage of sending her back. Please give her a chance, sirs. Its all any of us would want for ourselves." He then stands in silence at parade rest, waiting for questions.

Studying Knox carefully as the man steps forward, Jason's expression is carefully kept neutral as he listens to the once-again Marine's statement. Taking a few notes as he listens, he glances between the others at the end of what's being said, before he takes another quick note. "Thank you, Sergeant Knox. I have no questions." Waiting to see if one of the others have any.

There is something very cold that flashes in Rhonwen's eyes as memories burn. Cold as the darkness of space or the ice that covers the poles of some of the planets in the colonies. It is a crack that has appeared in her mask. She closes her eyes quickly and for a moment they remain closed. She mutters something softly under her breath and only those at the table sitting with her may or may not hear it. After a moment she speaks and she opens her eyes. The mask is back in place. "Mr. Knox, what can you tell us about her and do you think that she has been reconditioned? Why did they not kill her when they found her right away?"

"The purpose of this tribunal is not questioning what Dr. Tamsin has already done, Sergeant. I think we can all agree from multiple account that she has done nothing but observe." Vadim states. "It is the possibility of what she capable of. It is the idea that at any given point she can begin to subvertly move against the people on this ship, even if she didn't realize she was doing it, along with if she should be held accountable for the crimes that have been levied against her." Saying that, he slides another cigarette out of his case. "And if she has not been killed upon discovery, what chances do you believe that another will come to finish the job? Or that one may already be in our midst to do just that? One of the accused was killed en route here. If she was found not guilty, do you believe that we could even keep her safe?"

Knox turns his eyes first to Jason, then to Rhonwen. "'Reconditioned' would suppose that I believe she was conditioned to do anything in the first place, sir. I do not believe she was, not anymore than a normal one of her type would step forward to investigate and wrap herself in an experience. I cannot tell you much other than what I have just said. I could sit here and lie to you and tell you that I believe her clean as a virgin's sheets, sir, but that betrays not just my oath and code, but also insults her position and that of this court. I believe she means to help the fleet. I believe she is scared. I believe that her position and actions have justified her a chance here with us." He glances over to Naomi and then back to the court. "I can think of a thousand reasons for a Centurion to shoot at one of my people, the most prominent of which are why I've spent so much time in Sickbay. She shot at them. She declared her side and voted with a bullet."

Rhonwen whispers to herself, "Lady Justice may hear as you do and not be blinded by my memories. May hold your scales in my hand and walk in your footsteps."

Cooper then turns his focus on Vadim. "That's true, sir. She could. But that assumes that she had someone here issuing her orders or that her orders were accurate enough. I would submit the fact that her planned 'placement' in the fleet is actually a statistical anomaly so large that its bordering on paranoid. Under normal conditions, I would agree with the observation. In this case? No." He adjusts his hands. "Further, my understanding of her model thus far indicates that she is probably one of the worst candidates for such a mission. If I were to command an operation to take out the Orion, and I indeed was tasked with just that, I would have sent another Nine. If there were any other skinjobs inside the fleet who were sympathetic to the cause of the Cylon, whatever it is, I suspect they would have acted by now. Any others still within the fleet are likely sleepers and lack an operational commander to wake them. Thus, they will likely sleep forever. As for the question as to Ceres Garrido, I'll need clarification on the question, sir."

Jason glances over at Rhonwen for a few moments as he hears her whisper, before he looks back to Knox, studying the man rather carefully as he speaks. After a while, his gaze moves over to Naomi as well, but for now, he keeps quiet. Taking a few more notes now.

"Ceres Garrido was killed by Cylon attack, correct, Sergeant?" Vadim replies, in the process of lighting up his cigarette. "That suggests to me that the attack on her was an indication of some kind of retribution for her choice. My only question was if the Cylons killed her, what is stopping them from doing the same to either Dr. Tamsin or yourself. However, I agree that if an attack was to happen, it's very possible it would have already happened as they've had oppurtunities to do so."

Naomi can't do much other but sit. There's a faint quirk to her lips as if for a moment she would interject, but she seems to be quite conscious of where she is, and remains silent.

"At this moment I have no further questions," Rhonwen states. She makes a few notations on her PDA. Her eyes she looks over at Naomi and then she looks over at Knox and the other two tribunal judges. She looks like she is about to interject a comment but she stops herself.

"That's correct, sir. Her Raptor was shot down in what appears to be a random attack, unless the ECO and pilot, both, of her Raptor are discovered to be a skinjobs, sir." Coop keeps the answers quick and fast. "Once she was on the ground? She was witnessed to be returning fire and trying to protect the injured crew until the Raptor exploded. They were shooting at her, sirs, likely for the same reason they shoot at me and they executed Naomi. Ceres and I ask for no protection. Indeed, both of us nearly demanded we be allowed to fight for humanity and the cause we believe in. This gives us arms and access to dangerous hardware. Naomi is asking only for the chance to have a home. Right now she has no place to turn except you all. We are in as much danger as we ever will be. Granting her citizenship will not alter that, sirs."

Vadim nods in return. "Thank you, Sergeant." Another glance at the other two judges. "Alright, next witness to stand for the accused."

For a long moment, Ellie looks scared, searching the crowd for a familiar face, her only family, her sister Sera. When she fails to find her, she rises then looks towards the judges with determination. Taking a deep breath she lifts her chin, her eyes clear, her voice not anywhere near as shaky as she is feeling as she gives her testimony. "My name is Electra Rutlii, I am a civilian and I am currently between addresses. Up until recently I was living in a Prison facility here on Picon, a resident in the same squalid conditions as the other 'inmates' captured and detained there for no other reason than having family on Orion."

"I attended college on Virgon and got a degree in Physical Therapy. Since war day I have been on Picon assisting those who were hurt during and since that day, delivering those who needed the most help to Spree here on Picon. Four days after my last delivery here I was captured along with others. The others were immediately killed but I was taken to a prison." For a moment, she hesitates, trying to refrain from shuddering at the memory of the conditions for the 'prisoners of war' in the prison. "During my brief stay, there was a buzz going around about a possible attempt at a jail break. I wasn't sure if it was true or not, but it was so well secured I knew one would be impossible. We were all unarmed and weak from lack of even the most basic necessities. On the morning of what I thought was going to be my fourth day in very many more, I could sense the restlessness of those around me, almost like someone knew something but was afraid to tell. Finally, a little later in the day, it happened. There was help and we didn't even know who it was helping, and there was gunfire from the outside that was more than just the Cylons." Eyes flicker to Naomi then back to the judges. "I mean the bad Cylons."

Ellie once more looks towards Naomi, keeping her gaze there for a little longer as she begins speaking again. "We were all being freed, I didn't ask why, I didn't ask how, I didn't even ask for how long. I ran when I was allowed, we all ran to the waiting transportation that would take us from there to safety. We were all so scared we were all going to get killed or caught. We didn't though. And it was all because of Doctor Naomi Tamsin and Ceres Garrido. Along with the other Marines. But it was Naomi and Ceres that got us out and were helping all of us escape, helping us into the Raptors making sure everyone had a place. They stayed to help until every last person was out. She helped us and gave us hope and freedom even when all of us just knew we wouldn't get out of there alive. She saved so many family members of the crew of Orion." Only now does she look back at the judges, each individually, as she finishes the rest of her statement. "She helped us because she wanted to not because she was ordered to. All of us, all of your family members who were just rescued had our lives in her hands and she didn't let you down. Now hers is in your hands. Would you allow her a fate worse than death after all she has done for us?"

Rhonwen's voice and tone remain the same as her pale green eyes come to rest on Electra as she gives her testimony. "We of the tribunal have a number of questions to ask you." Once again she pauses. "Did she have contact with you when you were incarcerated or did she have contact with others? Have you had contact with her outside of her helping you into a raptor?" Each word seems to bear a little weight as she emphasizes them with a flare of an accent.

Vadim stays quiet this time, apparently not having questions for this witness just yet

Jason listens quietly at the statement now, expression kept quite neutral as he looks from his notes to Electra, then to Naomi. Nodding a bit as he hears Rhonwen's questions. "And if you had contact with her during the time in the facility, or you know others did, do you know if people was aware of what, or who, she was?"

Questions? Oh Ellie had tried not to have questions. Remaining standing, wearing nothing dressy, in fact her faded jeans, flip flops and tank top are just about all she owns. But they're clean! As the most intimidating woman asks questions of her, she clears her throat, brown eyes regard her as she replies. "I never met her until she helped me into the Raptor. The only other two times I met her were after I was on Orion in the Cafeteria." Ack! "I mean the Mess Hall, but we didn't even sit at the same table. And in the Observatory, when she came in and saw the stars and left. We never talked before, she doesn't know me and I don't know her." Then when the man asks, she lifts her shoulders. "I didn't know when I was at the Raptor. I didn't know what or who she was until she was arrested."

Unable to hold back a momentary smile at the cafeteria/mess hall part, Jason nods a little to the rest of what was being said. "Thank you, Miss Rutlii. I have no further questions." Looking to see if Rhonwen has more questions now.

"I have no further questions." Rhonwen says as she looks suddenly thoughtful.

"Is that all of witnesses for the accused?" Vadim asks, looking about. "If there are no more, than this tribunal is in recess until we have made our decison on the accused."

"There is one more from my understanding." Rhonwen states.

Jason waits to see if there's any other witnesses coming forth now. Looking to the other judges for the moment, expression kept neutral for now.

"Since none have come forward, then we can move forward." Rhonwen says to them all. "As my fellow judge has stated it is time for recess." She looks at everyone and she waits.

Time passes while the judges are gone on a recess in a different, but sooner or later, they return. When Vadim takes a seat, the cigarette he's smoking is half dwindled down. "Naomi Tamsin, please rise." states the Captain in a neutral tone. "After deliberation, this tribunal has come to it's decison, have you anything else to say before judgement is passed?

Nadir straightens in her chair as the panel returns, casting a sidelong glance at Naomi, giving her a small nod of encouragement before turning back to face the panel.

Naomi rises as requested. There's a brief look over her shoulder at Knox, as her heart pounds in her chest. She looks back to the tribunal. "I would like…I only have something to say if you have decided that your decision merits my execution, please." She lifts her chin, lacing her fingers together in front of her.

Quietly Rhonwen is seated with Jason and Vadim. Her face is expressionless and she looks out at those who have gathered to hear judgment passed. Her pale green eyes move towards where Naomi is. She says nothing to Naomi when she answers Vadim.

"It is the opinion of this tribunal, for accusation of war crimes against humanity and of the Twelve Colonies, that we find you not guilty." Vadim starts, pausing to puff on his smoke. "Due to the accused own testimony and those of the witness, we do not believe the sins of the whole should reflect upon the sins of the one, especially one who made no intention of hiding what she was when she had ample to accomplish such. It is the decison of this tribunal that you are deemed not a threat to humanity and you are free of any war crimes committed by your people." Another pause at this. "However, you are to be put in the status of a civilian contractor while you remain upon the Orion. And while on the Orion, you are to have only limited acces to civilians. Furthermore, upon the ending of this hearing, you are to put on a probationary status that will last no longer than six months and no shorter than three. Upon review of your conduct after this amount of time, you will be awarded full Citizen status. In three months time, we will reconvene to review said conduct."

So the sum of of Naomi's reaction is this; her knees buckle so that she sits down in her chair so hard that her ponytail flops and she brings her shackled hands to her face and begins to sob hysterically. There's probably a thank you in there somewhere but it's really hard to decipher in all that blubbering.

Knox is there in his greys, waiting. When the decision is read by Vadim, the Marine Sergeant nods a little and takes a deep breath as he rises. The man keeps to the edge of the crowd nearest Naomi, but he watches her with a subtle smile. He'll let Samtara handle them flowin tears for the moment.

Nadir reaches out and rests one hand on Naomi's shoulder, offering a lifeline of sorts as Naomi collapses down into her chair, tears flowing freely. She speaks quietly, not knowing if Naomi can hear her words or not but she speaks quietly anyway, trying to reassure Naomi while keeping a careful eye on the crowd that had gathered to watch.

Rhonwen eyes are on the crowd and they are narrowed. She final speaks to the observers her tone is neutral but her words carry the weight of a promise and not a threat. "If you do not agree with the tribunal you may speak of it outside of this room, any scenes caused by any who are observing right now it will earn you a quick trip to brig and you will be place on a JAG's docket." This is said to the crowd. She then picks up her PDA and she becomes quiet again as she waits.

"Be warned, Dr. Tamsin." Vadim says after a moment. "This is an offer of trust. Should you be found to break that trust, this tribunal will not hesitate to change our verdict. And you will be executed. So I pray the Gods that you are truly and utterly honest in your intentions." That said, he gestures at a guard. "Release her bonds and put her into the care of Captain Nadir." Looking at Samatra now. "She's under your direction now, Captain. Take care of her."

Dr. Nadir curls her hand on Naomi's shoulder, a more solid grip for a moment, "I'll take care of her," she confirms, promises, quite solemnly, "you have my word on that," she adds simply.

Naomi manages to get her crying under control, nodding to Smtara and manages to rise to her feet as her shackles are released. Once she's free, she hugs Samtara, and the poor doctor's uniform is going to get very wet.

Knox looks over towards the judges panel as the rest is delivered and warned and the Marine seems to be biting his tongue, especially as he looks to Rhonwen. His gaze lingers there a moment before he looks to Samtara and Naomi, stepping up beside the Doctor. "Captain," he greets quietly. "Thank you for your hard work and being willing to stick your neck out for her. We won't forget this, sir."

Dr. Nadir is all kinds of not good at this but she hugs Naomi in return, her expression a blend of sympathy and compassion as the smaller-stature doctor cries against her shoulder. She looks up as Knox steps up beside her and gives a quiet nod in return, "I'm glad that I could help, Sergeant. It was the least that I could do. I wish that I'd had a chance to speak for Ceres as well," she adds in that soft voice.

Vadim just leans back in his chair. But looking at Naomi, there does seem to be a pleasued look of satisfaction on his face. As if he was glad that was judgement that they came to. But other than that, he just looks glad to be done with it.

Rhonwen is just quiet as she sits and watches. She is watching everyone including the crowds. She holds her PDA in her hand. Her face is still expressionless.

Naomi wipes at her eyes and manages to get control of herself. "Can we go home now, Cooper?" she asks, voice wavering. She's still sort of clinging to Samtara, though.

Coop nods to Sam. "Same, Doctor. I think one day you'll probably have the opportunity. Though at that point, if she does make it back for something like this, I suspect we're going to have more than enough proof that she's not a friend of the Cylon. When she finds out about this? You have no idea what kind of effect that'll have. Nothing will get more sail under those wings." He gives a subtle thumbs up to the Doctor before looking to Naomi. "C'mon, kid. Lets get you unhooked from the Doc and back to the ship." He puts an arm around the Eleven's shoulder to lead her to a Raptor.

Nadir gives Naomi another hug before she steps back, letting the newly freed Eleven join Cooper. "Make sure she gets a fresh set of clothing, real food - start with soup or a light broth, both of you, after 'eating' what you've been eating for the last couple of days. And i want both of you in my sickbay tomorrow, just in case you caught something nasty from the 'water' you were given."

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