Aios Three: Dear Geni...

Daniel Aios writes his goodbye letter to Iphigenia Arden

Aios Three: Dear Geni…
Summary: Daniel Aios writes his goodbye letter to Iphigenia Arden
Date: 07/01/2013 (OOC Date)
Related Logs: None
An enveloped letter in Daniel Aios' locker
Unknown, approximately PWD #02

Lieutenant-Chaplain Iphigenia Arden,

I got them all in there that time, didn't I? I suppose I could have added Sister, but I didn't find a decent enough perch for it inside of the name. Perhaps Lieutenant Chaplain, Sister Iphigenia Arden would have sufficed…

Alas, you always preferred that I call you Geni, and seeing as how this is my letter to you to say goodbye, at least until the first bit of post comes in, I will honor your wishes and forego my instinctual reaction to flatter you and everyone with their entitlements.

By the time that you are reading this (Classic, is it not?) I will be on a transport bound for Virgon. From there I will likely be placed on a public transport directly to Caprica City. I'm writing this just after receiving confirmation that my transfer to be an instructor at War College has been accepted, and this letter writing is going to be excellent practice as I make the transition from fighter pilot to teacher.

Truly? I'm excited. I no longer feel as if I have to decide between my responsibilities and my dreams, because I believe I understand better now: I couldn't live without my son. Some dreams are meant to be just that. This place, this far away place, will be something that I can look up into the sky and search for. Leaving for home, I now have a faraway place that's mine when I look up there. It's a dream, and it's one that I get to keep with me as I bravely stride back home to rescue my son and wrap my arms around him.

I'm going to be a great father. Gods willing, I'll be the best.

So, know this. I am leaving a wonderful friend and companion behind, and that I will be terribly offended if I do not hear from you. I expect recordings of your singing, and I will, in return, send you clippings and charcoal-scrubbed notes that you can read and say aloud "what was he thinking when he wrote this?"

Wait. Let me start over.

Know this, Lieutenant Arden, that I am leaving behind a wonderful friend and companion, who has touched me deeply and reminded me as a person that it's not my pains and exploits that brands me as a person, but my ability to turn towards the fire and race after the things that I love that makes me a man. I will truly never forget you, and I will be waiting happily for a letter from you. Gods willing, you and I will keep correspondence until we are both old and part ways for the week it takes to resume our talks on Dorian Preen in the afterlife.

Keep safe my dream in the sky for me. You are now its shepherd.


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